The Margarets (Sheri S. Tepper)
27 January 2016
Earth is in crisis, virtually destroyed by overpopulation, and mankind is teetering on the edge. ISTO - the Interstellar Trade Organization - had demanded man's extinction, for a living planet is more important than any race upon it, and was about to start 'reducing' mankind when Earthgov agreed its demands, to sell 90 per cent of Earth's inhabitants into bondage to alien races.
When Margaret is six, she imagines herself as a spy, a healer, a queen, a warrior, even a boy, to amuse herself; when she is nine, and 12, and 20, at crisis points in her life, she feels like parts of her have split off - like the Margaret who decided to follow her lover to Tercis and the Margaret who said no.
Average Rating:
Sean Aaron (24 February 2016 18:00)
Readable, but the incessant misanthropy, goofy cat origins and odd political commentary annoyed me too much. And then you have the confusing cast of characters, planets and aliens (half of which are Eeeeevil).
Avril Stringer (31 January 2016 10:04)
Annoyed I missed the discussion because there was a lot to discuss. Humanity's problems are described very well and you wonder what is worth saving - but it becomes clear. The bit about how cats become pets is a bit weak and the ending a bit rushed. Lots of worlds are imagined which are thought provoking and interesting.